Send Shipment Worldwide - Free pickup

+1(331) 642 0337

ทย / ENG |Document Parcel Express Co., Ltd.

Send Shipment Worldwide – Free pickup
+1(331) 642 0337
ทย / ENG |Document Parcel Express Co., Ltd.

Zip provides door-to-door import and customs clearance service. We can pickup your shipments from abroad and send it back to Thailand by air.

Coverage Area for Zip Door-to-Door Import Service:

  • Express Customs Clearance within 1-3 working days
  • Importer Registration Service (Free of Charge)
  • Consulting Service from ZIP Customs Specialist Team for your enquiry on Import Process, Customs Clearance, and Import Duties & Taxes

Zip With our Express License, Zip Customs Broker team can do the express customs clearance process at Suvarnabhumi airport, and then deliver the shipment to your door in USA. We have Customs Specialists and Licensed Customs Brokers who can assist you in your import enquiry. Call us today at Email

10610 Newkirk St #206, Dallas, TX 75220, United States

Email:, Telephone Number: +1(331) 642 0337

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