Send Shipment Worldwide - Free pickup

+1(331) 642 0337

ทย / ENG |Document Parcel Express Co., Ltd.

Send Shipment Worldwide – Free pickup
+1(331) 642 0337
ทย / ENG |Document Parcel Express Co., Ltd.

Export Services: International Door-to-Door Delivery Service

Zip provides worldwide door-to-door air express delivery service for both document and parcels to more than 1,000 destinations covering every country worldwide. We send our shipments via the global leading service providers such as DHL, TNT, and SKYNET Worldwide. You can be rest assured with our speed and reliability. You can track your shipment status from our website –

10610 Newkirk St #206, Dallas, TX 75220, United States

Email:, Telephone Number: +1(331) 642 0337

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